My name is Josh Boyd. I’m a dad, husband, and designer.
Born in Mississippi. Raised in Texas. At some point in my life, my dad had a mullet and a three wheeler and my mom had a perm and I somehow managed to make it out without a tattoo of the Chevy logo or a criminal record.
Back in ’98, I migrated from Wichita Falls to Dallas so I could learn stuff at The Art Institute of Dallas. A couple of dot-com jobs, a layoff, and the September 11th attacks lead me to the Marine Reserves. My time in the Marine Corps allowed me to visit exotic faraway lands and, in the process, learn a great deal about myself and the human condition. I eventually made my way back home, bought a Harley, and went back to school to learn more stuff.
Nowadays you can find me in McKinney, Texas hanging with my beautiful wife and my little dudes. I’ve got dogs and woodshed and I stay pretty busy when I’m not at work. I’m a self-proclaimed DIYer until I break something and have to call for backup. I enjoy drawing with my boys, getting outside, and eating things that are bad for me.
“Honest conflict has more social value than dishonest harmony.”
Growing up, I knew I would end up either an artist or a paleontologist. Life kinda works that way sometimes, ya know? I still kinda dig dinosaurs (get it?) and I definitely still draw/paint/craft/create but I’m neither a paleontologist nor an artist. What I am is a Lead Designer at USAA where I’m currently working with the product development and innovation team to build experiences for our Property & Casualty Line of Business. That involves a lot of things like research, sketching, testing, and even good ol’ user interface design. You might say I’m a UX Designer or Product Designer, but I’m also a meeting attendee. Titles are weird, but what matters is the work.
In the past, I’ve done similar things with other big companies. I’ve learned a lot in the last few years, including how to get laughs out of stuffy business people. I don’t code, so don’t ask.